Four Tips For Healthy Winter Hair

The days are starting to get colder and because of this your outward appearance from the top of your head to the tip of your toes starts to change.

Here are four tips on how to keep your hair healthy during the colder months.

Out comes your winter checklist: woollies, scarfs, boots, gloves, extra-moisturising crème for your skin and extra-nourishment for your hair.

When it comes to winter our attitudes change along with our wardrobes; everything and everyone becomes dull, unfriendly and a sort of hibernation begins – whether it is at home, or behind the many layers you have put on in the morning.
Four Tips For Healthy Winter Hair
This shouldn’t be a time for keeping a low profile, it should still be a time for making an impression, and since your hair is probably the only part of you not covered up – it should begin there.

“Your hair can lose its fullness and shine in winter, but if cared for properly there is no reason why your mane of envy during summer, should become your mane of embarrassment during winter,” says Maameya Dankwa, Brand Manager of Vigro® – a hair and scalp support product from Nativa.

“In winter your hair does need extra-attention, but a few simple changes to your hair care routine are all you need.”

Dankwa provides 4 tips on how to keep your hair healthy this winter:

1. Avoid the heat. Constant use of the straightening or curling iron zaps the moisture from your hair, leaving it dull and course. Try and avoid using these hair items, and opt for a more natural look, or wear your hair up from time to time.

2. During winter your hair loses a great deal of moisture from the continuous change of temperature – the cold outside, and the dry heat from the heaters inside.  Wear a stylish hat to avoid your hair being exposed to the elements. Wool hats are not advisable, but a light hat to give your hair protection is a must.

3. Your diet plays a huge role in keeping your hair healthy. Eating extra fruits and vegetables gives your hair the nutrients it needs to keep healthy during the winter months, as well as drinking water as it keeps you and your hair follicles hydrated.

4. Visit your hairdresser before winter begins and trim you hair, as dry hair means split ends. Trimmed hair is less likely to get knotty, and keeps your hair healthy for the upcoming winter showdown.

Don’t allow hair shedding to become a problem in the colder months, especially due to a ‘comforting diet’ and not taking proper care of your hair. Hair thinning due to such behavioural factors, as well as stress, illness and medication, can be helped by adding Vigro® to your beauty routine.

The active ingredients in the Vigro®3-Step System can assist the scalp with non-genetic hair thinning by cleaning and opening the hair shaft preparing the scalp for penetration of the actives, as well as assisting hair follicles to reduce hair thinning through the active ingredient Follicusan™ (topical products).* The Vigro® 3-Step System also provides a combination of vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair growth.*

For more information visit Vigro or call the customer care centre on 0860 628482 (NATIVA). The product is available for online purchase at Vigro.

* Efficacy of support may vary between users. Consult a medical practitioner for a diagnosis or if symptoms persist. Use as indicated. Vigro®3-Step System is not indicated for genetic hair loss.

Read More : Hair Loss for Men

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